Monday, October 17, 2011


Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness, and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.

Think about how you treat the people in your life and yes I mean everyone. From your family, friends, colleagues, peers, neighbors, the person who washes your hair at the salon, to the help that makes you breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, the people driving next to you in traffic and even strangers. How many times have you let something that may have happened to you in one domain of your life affect the way you treat someone else who is not close to you?  We love when people unexpectedly do nice things for us so it is about time we started returning the favor. Not just with your friends & family, but maybe to that person you hate the most or who annoys you the most (even though you secretly think he or she might be rude). 
Challenge yourself to stick it out and be nice no matter what might have happened to you earlier that day or what might be coming up.  You never know what might turn someone else’s day around and cleanse your own soul in the process. 
I am challenging you all to commit to this mindset for the next 2 weeks. To do at least one genuinely nice thing for someone. I’m talking real nice stuff people….not just the polite hold the door/ hold the elevator/let someone merge in traffic/leave a tip things, but something nice for someone who doesn’t expect it.
In that process of being NICE and STICKING TO YOUR WORD I think you will feel better about yourself and you might even feel that things will suddenly turn out the way you want them to. 
Been the devil for too long? Try to be an angel, Kill with kindness. That's one thing I haven't done have I?

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