Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What are your must-have beauty products?
“I love rosehip oil as a moisturiser and paw paw ointment as a lip balm.”

What’s your best beauty tip?
“Start on the inside. Make sure to eat healthy and drink plenty of water.” 

What's your beauty routine?
“I just splash my face with water in the mornings and wear a moisturiser with sunscreen in it. After work I remove my make-up with cleanser and then moisturise.”

What are your favourite fashion labels and why?
“I like unique clothing with beading and usually opt for more soft, flowing styles for example, Peace Angels. But I usually just wear jeans or whatever is the most comfortable!”

What outfit or trend is your absolute fave at the moment?
“I really like the ‘urban-gypsy look.”

What’s the best piece of fashion advice you have ever been given?
“Be individual and wear what suits you and what you like.”

Tell me about yourself?

"I’m from Queensland but I was born in Melbourne and lived there for most of my primary school years. I also lived in Switzerland for a year and in Kakadu National Park. Then we moved to Cairns and I lived there until I moved to Sydney for Home and Away."

How did you get started in Home and Away?
"I had an agent who was in Sydney and she told me to go and audition. So I went to the audition, which was for casting in Melbourne. Then they asked me to come back for a recall in Sydney. I was not expecting to get the role at all because I initially auditioned for the role of Kit Hunter, who is played by Amy Mizzi. I didn't get that role but they created another one for me, which was quite flattering and really nice. I had no expectations of getting anything as I was still at high school doing year 12. I just thought I would go to get the experience and I was really lucky – I got the role."

Was moving around so much hard on you?
"No, I liked moving, I like change and I look at it as a positive. My Dad is a pilot so we did move around a lot. Living in Switzerland was a good experience for me and I learned a lot from it. I’m lucky because Mum spoke Swiss to me when I was little so now I can speak Swiss, which is really handy."

Do you have any other talents?
"I love art. I’ve always loved creative arts – all of those arty subjects at school like painting, sketching, anything like that. Also music – I love guitar and I’ve had singing lessons. I’m learning to skateboard and have been trying out lots of new exciting fun things since I’ve been in Sydney. I have even been surfing!"

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