(Serves 2)
1 and a half egg
1lb Oysters
2 stalks Scallions
Parsley (a small bunch)
3T Potato starch
1t Fish sauce
2c Beans sprouts
1t Chinese cooking wine
Salet and Pepper to taste
1lb Oysters
2 stalks Scallions
Parsley (a small bunch)
3T Potato starch
1t Fish sauce
2c Beans sprouts
1t Chinese cooking wine
Salet and Pepper to taste
Use a non-stick frying pan sprayed with oil, over high heat start adding the oyster mixture to the pan. Make it flat.
Put the oysters in a large container. Fill it with water to cover the oysters. Add a pinch of salt. Rub the oysters gently. Discard the water. Rinse the oyster for 5 or 6 times until the slimy stuff is gone. Let the oysters drain. The oysters do not need to be completely dry.
Put oysters in a mixing bowl. Cut scallion into dices, add it to the oysters.
Cut parsley into small pieces, add it to the oysters.
Add 2T flour first and see if it covers the oysters. Gradually add a little bit more flour if needed.
Add egg, fish sauce, scallion, parsley, Chinese cooking wine, a dash of salt and pepper to the mixture. Mix well.

Let it cook untouched for 5 minutes or so.Spray some oil on the top side of the oyster cake before flipping it over. Cook the other side for another 5 mins or so. Serve hot. Taste it. If you need it more salty, drizzle a few drops of fish sauce on top.