Monday, May 23, 2011

Just For You

May 23, 2011

Dear              ,

I'm writing you this letter because I think you can't do that anymore. I know you've been wondering if I've been thinking about you... will I ever want you again? Will I ever love you again like I did? Stop asking yourself these questions over and over, I'll tell you that they're questions that will never be answered at this point. 
You can't keep wondering anymore. 
It's not fair that I've decided already and you've been stuck in the same spot, making wrong decisions and acting recklessly.  You always told me you would never get over me, that you could see yourself with me for a very long time. But we have to stop thinking about how it was before, because its gone.. 
Do you feel like a fool? Or a person who is just truly in love? But, you have to let go now.. 
Thank you for being one of the greatest things that came into my life. Thank you for making me feel loved unconditionally, for accepting me for who I am. For being there when I was at my lowest, when I wasn't sure, at my worst. I hope you never forget the little things that you've learned from me.  
I can never hate you no matter what you say or do because I know that everything you did was out of love, and I know that you hate that it had to end. 
The thought of not speaking to you scares me but, I have to do it for you. I saw that I can't be just a friend to you... That's just confusing. I don't want to toy with your feelings and you dont deserve to be in this limbo.
You need to be strong and take this stand... just as I did. I miss and care for you so much & I always will be fond of you.

I hope you accomplish every goal you set for yourself. 
I hope I figure out everything I am unsure about, and I hope above all that you are happy if not now, soon.

But the reality is, I already left and as hard as it is for me to say it, its time for you to let go.

I will always love you,


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