Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I love escaping, in all connotations of the word. Whether it is physically parting on a journey or mentally transporting myself to places I get contentment from. Sometimes just blank, sometimes ridiculous thoughts, whatever it may be its definitely better than my current state. 
A escape journey  for me is going somewhere that feels good, makes me feel alive and free. A landscape I could stare at forever and no one would bother me as I pop on my headphones and completely space out. 
The perfect place would be the beach. Where the beer is always cold, where I can smell sea air, sunscreen, seafood grilling, hear the waves crash on the shore and the joyous laughter of passersby. A place where people are generous with their hugs and smiles. And when I feel the dryness in my mouth and remember I’m parched. I could easily make my way towards the nearest bar to get a frozen mojito in a giant beer mug, sip it with a straw and savor the sweet combination as I sit still staring at the horizon.

Take me away.

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