Wednesday, July 13, 2011

For The Record

Dear Ex,

Firstly I wanna say thank you for the love.  But now, I just have to shake it off to make sure my skin has no trace of you.  
Come to think of it, I've kept my cool the whole time you were raising a ruckus and I think it apt to say something -for the record.  
It was also not easy for me to be referred to as "the love of ur life". 
I hated it. 
Anyway at least now we can both breathe a sigh of enormous relief and give each other a pat on the shoulder for finally, finally reaching the END amicably.  
Your tantrums were legendary LOL I think it cute and can laugh about them now. 
 I'll miss those times when we do crazy nothings in front of the web cam.  
We looked really good together.  
That's all.  
Here's to the good times, my loved.  


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