Friday, July 22, 2011

Simon says, STAND!

"We tend to be held back from our goals by the simplicity of our comfort zones, but just how comfortable are we? Wouldn't we be more content living in our dreams?"

Let me define my comfort zones: Being in a place with people I've known my whole life and am so comfortable with, Lying in bed under the sheets and mindlessly browsing the net, Shopping, Not seeing anyone new, eating at the same places... and so many more.

Leaving my comfort zone is an idea that has always terrified me. Well who won't be terrified to go somewhere new where unlike your comfort zone there are no surprises and where there is less pain. After I graduated college, that passion filled me and that girl who's full of drive, I just lost her. I settled to work, IN SCHOOL and date someone who's brought up no different than me, who talks about the same things and who's 3 years younger. That passion to want to achieve my goals and that push to move forward, just vanished and I really thought I was better safe and secure in my comfort zone then to open myself up to my dreams. Why? Because to open myself up means I'd be hurt once again, I might not like the unknown, I might not fit in in the unknown. The more I stayed, the more I dragged myself down and lost my confidence and it came to a point where I could win pushover of the world award already. I let other people decide what I should do tonight, where I should be, how I should act, even DRESS. How pathetic right?  
THEN one day, I was just awaken by a splash of cold water on my face. I told myself that I will not let my fears or doubts or worries stand in my way. I won’t let the thought of what people think of me hold me back. I should do things for my growth and betterment and not for the expansion of other people's ego thinking they're right and they can CONTROL me. 
What's so scary about REALITY anyway? 
Living in fear isn’t living your life. It’s going away from it. Do things that you’ve always wanted to do but couldn’t find the courage to do so. Find the strength to be passionate. Because if not now, when? 

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