Monday, November 28, 2011

Progress and Risks

A lot of people have told me that natural instincts are extremely useful. Intuition as they call it. Often a handful of the mistakes I've made in life are from not trusting my gut feel. I think recently I've learned to not argue with that branch of logic because  instincts are cultivated over a period of years and they're the sum of all of your experiences making it actually a good enough resource. 
Problem is, when I do develop an opinion about something, I tend to stubbornly cling to it and there can seem like there is little hope of changing my mind. I get very stubborn and really act out and go against all odds just to get things to go my way. Well, I can change my mind and opinions but it does take a while. Sometimes even at my own expense. 
Being aware of our opinions and using our likes/dislikes can be useful in allowing us to create a framework to live by, but just the same, it also limits us. We live so dutifully within that framework that we are extremely ignorant to all that exists outside of it. In a way I've always felt like I am very open minded but really, I'm not im very close minded. I think I have a lot of options but these options i kind of fish out just the ones that really work for me and still in that framework. 

Rarely do we ever realize how trapped we are until we find ourselves victims of the same pattern repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Of course by then it is more of a last resort than a premature step.  
“Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.”

Instead of waiting for that to happen to me again, I think what I need to do is make more of a conscious effort to strive to live outside of the framework. A good advice that I once got from someone is to be more aware and conscious of the options around you... not just career-wise… but with everything. Take a risk or a gamble that you might not have ordinarily considered. Taking a chance on something you previously would have never considered might be the very thing which changes your life. Yes, it may be scary, so is doing anything for the first time but I think that it really makes me learn more about myself and I extremely enjoy the uncertainty in it. 
So this week apart from my "Declutter" challenge... I'm pushing myself and all of you to make a conscious effort this week to not judge as much, to let go of your old self and take one blind step forward. Don't overthink, just do it and give things/people/events a chance and the benefit of the doubt. Progress and good things come from breaking the habit.

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