Saturday, October 22, 2011


“Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant, filled with odd waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don’t always like.”

I think our fate is something we exercise little control over. There are certain decisions we make such as getting up in the morning, to stay in bed, to go out, to get drunk, what drink to get, what food to order, turn left, to turn right, and what we choose to get involved in. However, just when we think we have some feeble grasp of control over our lives, fate throws us a fastball and shows us just how wrong we are.
Since we cannot control what happens to us and when it happens, all we are let with is the unappealing task of trying to handle what happens to us. 

Like the Humboldt quote says, 
"What differentiates us is not what happens to us, but how we deal with the consequences." 

On either extreme we can choose to buckle under the gravity of what we are forced to deal with or rise to the occasion and strengthen ourselves in the process. Choosing to face and take on what is thrown our way definitely is not easy especially when we can’t even make sense of why it may have happened.  However, much later we may be able to see the importance and the influence that the event might have subsequently had on the rest of our lives. It may not have been positive at the time, but in the larger scheme of things it may have been a personal turning point.
Whatever fate decides to throw at you now or in the future, accept it for what it is and try to deal with it in the best way you know how. Instead of asking yourself,  ”why me” maybe ask yourself “why not me?”. Even though you may not see it now, whatever has happened will change you and make you into the person you were meant to be.


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